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What are the Penalties for Assault Charges in New Jersey?

New Jersey takes assault charges very seriously, which is why if you have been convicted, you will need a skilled and competent criminal defense attorney on your side. Contact The Law Office of Kevin T. Conway to schedule your first consultation with our experienced legal team.

What are the consequences of an assault charge in New Jersey?

There are several factors that the court examines when deciding punishments for assault crimes. In some instances, simple assault convictions can result in restitution, probation, up to six months in jail, community service, and fines. On the other hand, first-degree assault charges can result in 10 to 20 years in prison and fines up to $200,000.

If you were charged with any degree of assault in New Jersey, it is essential that you retain the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney to fight on your behalf and help you combat your charges.

What are the different types of assault charges in New Jersey?

There are a number of forms of assault that differ in both severity and consequences. Individuals can still face serious charges and penalties, even if he or she did not cause any physical harm. In the state of New Jersey, a failed assault attempt can still end up in severe criminal charges as well as other threats that cause victims to fear for their safety. The most frequent assault charges include:

  • Simple assault: This type of assault refers to a person who attempts to cause or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; or negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or attempts by physical menace to input fear of imminent serious bodily injury. These crimes are usually not treated as seriously as other charges because they do not usually involve a weapon and they typically cause little harm.
  • Aggravated assault: This charge refers to when an individual purposely or knowingly causes injury to another individual with a deadly weapon.
  • Sexual assault: An instance of aggravated sexual assault is a first-degree crime in New Jersey when it involves children under the age of 13, even if it was consensual sex. It is unfortunate that in the state of New Jersey, it is not uncommon for false accusations of sexual assault to arise.
  • Domestic assault: It is not possible to retreat charges once police arrest an individual that has been accused of domestic assault. With a domestic assault charge, actual physical harm is not needed to qualify as a charge. Individuals can be charged with domestic assault for stalking, harassment, or making threats. Right after receiving a charge for domestic assault, the person who was charged will receive a restraining order. More harsh penalties and lifelong consequences will follow.

If you have questions or concerns about the different types of assault, it is in your best interest to speak with one of our skilled attorneys. Our firm is committed to protecting our clients and their future.


Kevin T. Conway is an experienced Bergen County criminal attorney handling DUI, DWI, traffic violations, violent crimes, sex crimes, illegal gun possession, shoplifting, and juvenile crimes. Attorney Conway is also experienced in commercial law matters, zoning law, and estate planning. If you need an aggressive criminal lawyer, contact The Law Office of Kevin T. Conway for a free consultation.

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