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What Are the Consequences of Violating Probation in NJ?

When an individual commits a crime, there are several different forms of punishment. In some instances, this individual will be sent to jail to serve his or her sentence. However, in other cases, he may be sentenced to probation. Probation allows an offender to serve his sentence at home, in the community, instead of in jail. You will want to recognize that probation comes with some strict guidelines, and breaking these guidelines can result in serious consequences. Please keep reading and give our skilled Bergen County criminal defense attorney a call today to learn more about how our reliable legal team can protect you and your future. We look forward to hearing from you.

What are New Jersey’s probation guidelines?

In the state of New Jersey, an individual can be put on probation for one to five years. This time can be extended or ended early depending on the person’s conduct. During this time, probation officers can do random check-ins to see if they are following the proper procedures. In the event that the terms of their probation are violated, this can result in a probation violation. Some common conditions of probation include the following:

  • Meeting with their probation officer
  • Pay fines associated with the charges they are facing
  • Maintain employment
  • Participate in community service
  • Attend counseling
  • Abide by a curfew
  • Do not break any laws
  • Urine monitoring

If you violated your probation, it is in your best interest to reach out to our firm today to discuss your legal options. We are on your side no matter what you are facing. Give us a call today.

What happens if I violate probation?

If an individual violates probation, the officer will file a Violation of Probation (VOP) complaint with the court outlining what happened. A court hearing will then take place to determine if the complaint is valid or not. It is important to note that if the individual does not observe this hearing, a warrant can be administered for their arrest. During the hearing, they can demonstrate their case to be considered by the court. If the judge expresses that the complaint is not valid, they can be let go. However, if the judge decides they are guilty of violating probation, they can face precise consequences. In some cases, it could result in the revocation of their probation and being sentenced to jail.

If you are encountering the consequences of a probation violation, do not wait to reach out to our firm today. We will support you and discuss all possible lines of defense for you and your future.



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