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Can I Get a DUI in a Self-Driving Car?

As technology advances, state and federal governments must adjust to keep up with the legalities of new gadgets. As self-driving cars become more popular, a valid question pressing people is: Can you get a DUI while operating a self-driving vehicle? You’re not technically driving, right? Wrong. You can still be charged with driving under the influence in an autonomous car. If you require legal assistance for this complex matter, do not hesitate to contact a skilled Bergen County lawyer at the Law Office of Kevin T. Conway.

What is a Self-Driving Car?

Self-driving or autonomous cars are designed to drive without help from a human. Using sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence, these vehicles can navigate roads and traffic, making it safely from one destination to another. While the kinks are still being worked out in a lot of self-driving vehicles, they have been around for years and have proven somewhat reliable.

Tesla and other high-technology car companies sell vehicles with autopilot features for personal use. Companies like Waymo even utilized artificial intelligence to act as taxis or Ubers, picking passengers up and dropping them off at their destination with no human driver behind the wheel.

Can I Get a DUI in a Self-Driving Car?

If these vehicles are trusted enough to go on autopilot or act as taxis, surely an individual can use one to get home after a long night of drinking. However, the law says otherwise.

DUI laws are designed to prevent intoxicated people from operating vehicles and endangering themselves and others. While autonomous cars operate mostly on their own, they may require human interaction especially if the vehicle cannot navigate a specific situation using its tools and data.

Whether you are driving an old car with crank windows or the brand new Tesla with automatic driving features, you are responsible for what happens and your actions when behind the wheel. You cannot safely be intoxicated and also monitor the vehicle’s movements. Therefore you can be charged with a DUI in a self-driving car.

While laws may change as technology develops further, right now there is no legal distinction between a traditional and autonomous car when it comes to drunk driving laws.

Should I Hire an Attorney for a DUI?

The legalities behind self-driving cars and the implications they have for drunk driving are still developing. Regulations are sure to be adjusted as needed in the years to come. If you were arrested for a DUI in a self-driving car, it is crucial that you obtain skilled representation. Your lawyer can help evaluate your situation and build a strong and effective defense. Reach out to an experienced attorney to learn more about your legal rights and options.

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